
2024 Seminars

In 2024, the Chair's seminar will take place over one week at T2 and every Thursday at T3 from April 18.

Here's the program for the seminar, which took place from February 19 to 23, 2024:

Visit and meet our partner Orange on the Orange Garden site : Alexandre Léon and his team

Series Mania Festival & Forum:  François Van Roekeghem and Leticia Godinho Figueiredo

Visit at Spotify office:  Romain Bouyer, Antoine Monin, Milena Taieb

Esport:  Alban Dechelotte (G2 Esport)

Future of Sport & Media with ESSEC Sport Chair at Parc des Princes:  Lola Denève (PWC), Antoine Muller (PWC), Vincent Chupin (VCn International), Nicolas Deal (Orange), Emilie Montané (L'équipe), Nadia Benmokthar (PSG), Mathias Priez (Paris Basketball)

Warner Bros TV:  Bruno Henriquet

Cinemage Sofica : Serge Hayat, founder of the Chair.

2023 Seminars

In 2023, the chair seminar took place every Tuesday from January 10.

T2 Seminars

Meet Bearing Point's strategy team in their offices - Consultant's strategic case study : Marc Burgelin & his team. 

Challenges for video games in 2023? : Ghita Bennouna & Juliette Denoble-Mayer (Ubisoft)

Edition, from impact start-up to international book group : Sophie Caillat (Editions du Faubourg) & Hélène Boursin (First)

Information: content like no other : Benjamin Bibas (La Fabrique documentaire)

From crypto to documentary filmmaking : Jean-Gabriel

Press transformation : Albin Serviant (Io Média)

Meet Mediamétrie - Glance's team in their office - The strategic role of audience measurement : Frédéric Vaulpré & his team (Médiamétrie - Glance)

+ Orange & TF1 seminars

T3 Seminars

Overview of video platforms :  Rémi Tereszkiewicz (Bêta Série)

Negotiating foreign fictions : Jonathan Escarpiado (The Walt Disney Company)

Music: is it still possible to be independent in the age of platforms? - Meeting in Idol headquaters: Pascal Bitard (Idol)

Is it still possible to become an independent producer? :  Stanislas Wicker & Samy Boudiaf (SIC Picture), Harry Torjman (My Box Productions)

Film financingGuillaume Sorne (Association des SOFICA)

Meeting in Netflix headquarters:  Damien Couvreur (Netflix)

Live audience participation in Quotidien presented by Yann Barthès on TMC.

The launch of AVOD : Alexandre Neck (Medias Participations)

The end of movie theaters or how to reinvent yourself ?: Thibault Jacques (Amaury Media)

Meet Serge Hayat, founder of the Chair.

2022 Seminars

In 2022, the chair seminar took place every Wednesday from January 12.

T2 Seminars

The content industries through the prism of strategy consulting : : Muriel Arnould (Demain Conseil), Nicolas Gaudemet (Onepoint), Julien Bernard (Nova Consulting), Nicolas Reffait (BearingPoint)

Masterclass News media: how to interpret mistrust? : Grégory Danel (AFP)

Technological innovations and content industrie : Olivier Megean (Demain AI), Thibault Jacques (MK2), Marianne Carpentier (Newen), Jean-François Goudou (Meero)

Production of audiovisual works  : Jérôme Barthélémy (Caïmans production), Rosalie Brun (SRF), Henri Debeurme (Next Episode), Corinne Kouper (Team To), Harry Torjman (My Box Productions)

Audience trends : Candice Hamou (Nielsen), Frédéric Vaulpré (Médiamétrie), Julien Gehin (Orange), Jean Allary (Artefact 3000)

+ Société Générale, Orange & TF1 seminars

T3 Seminars

Challenges for cinema distribution  : Cédric Guiollot (Originals Factory), Jérôme Chung (Under the milky way), Pierre Rasamoela (Orange Content), Julien Marcel (Allo Ciné/The BoxOffice Company)

Major moves in the video game industry : Abrial da Costa (Dontnod), Eric Chauveau (Mainframe Industries), Charles Diruit (Twitch), Laurine Deschamps (Sharkmob)

Evolving challenges for the music industry : Guillaume Descottes (Vialma), François Gerber (Believe), Aline Marrache (Universal Music France), Yann Miossec (E477 Records) Romain Takéo (Spotify)

Audio sectors: Radio & podcasts: Thomas Doduik (Radio France), Fannie Rascle (Europe 1 Studio), Céline Huart (TF1 Pub), Jean-François Trayaud Latour ( Consultant indépendant)

Publishing markets: from literature to comics :  Audrey Petit (Le Livre de Poche), Jean-Philippe Salmon (Groupe F&S), Thierry Cavel (Media Participations), Florence- Marie Piriou (Société des gens de Lettres)

Entrepreneurship in content : Octave Bory (Setkeeper), Aaron Besnainou (Oxya Origin), Romain Palmieri (Groover), Julien Mardas (Buster AI)

The economic and socio-political stakes for the news press : Marie Pourtal (Le Monde), Marie Hélène Smiejan (Mediapart), Albin Serviant (Io Média), Arthur Fouvez (Groupe l'Express)

Social networks : competition or opportunity for historical media :Benjamin Le Gren (TF1), Jean-Philippe Louis (Snapchat), Michael Jovanovic (Dare.Win), Suzanna Lorenz (Demain Conseil)

Sport and the media : Arnaud Simon (In&Out Stories), Pascal Petit (Discovery), Brieux Frérot (SoPress) , Arnaud Verlhac (Ikomg)

+ Meeting with Gilles Pélisson, CEO of TF1

2021 Seminars

In 2021, the chair seminar was held every Wednesday from January 13 to guarantee that it would be held and to ensure sanitary rules in the current context of the Covid-19 epidemic.

T2 Seminars

A panoramic view of the challenges facing all industries : Florence-Marie Piriou (Sofia), Philippe Chantepie (Ministère de la Culture), Frédéric Goldsmith (Cabinet L’Avocat), Nicolas Vignolles (S.E.L.L.), Gilles Vercken (Cabinet Vercken & Gaullier)

Consulting and content industries: Muriel Arnould (Demain), Raphaël Daniel (Roscoff), Nicolas Reffait (BearingPoint)

The use of data in the media: Candice Hamou (Nielsen), Alice Nicolas (Banijay Group), Frédéric Vaulpré (Médiamétrie), Julien Gehin (Orange)

Video games: Abrial da Costa (Dontnod), Lucie Linant de Bellefonds (Blizzard Entertainment), Charles Diruit (Twitch), Emmanuel Martin (Ubisoft), Greg Gobbi (Amazon Games)

Movies and series: Arnaud Figaret (CAPA), Claire Bodechon (TeamShot Production / Newen), Pierre Rasamoela (Orange studios), Rémi Tereszkiewicz (Bêta Série), Vincent Marcais (Paramount Pictures)

+ Société Générale, Orange & TF1 seminars

T3 Seminars

Radio & podcasts: Emmanuelle Fellous (Majelan), Claire Hazan (Spotify), Philippe Marty (Radio France), Bruno Tézenas (RadioAct) et Ophélie Wallaert (Radio France Bleue) 

Publishing: Audrey Petit (Le Livre de Poche), Jean-Philippe Salmon (Groupe F&S), Juan de Corbion (YouScribe) et Sophie Courault (COGNITIA)

The press: Marie Pourtal (Le Monde), Marie Hélène Smiejan (Mediapart), Albin Serviant (Têtu) et Gilles Vanderpooten (Reporters d’espoirs

Sport and the media : Ismail Mouline (IMG), Pascal Petit (Eurosport), Brieux Frérot (SoPress) et Markus Kaufmann Feigelson (Arsenal)

Entrepreneurship in content: Claire Basini (Brut Media), Hugues Laigneau (Taleseed), Alex Peron (Setkeeper), Dorian Perron (Groover) et Tristan Du Laz (Originals Factory)

Social media: Benjamin Le Gren (TF1), Henry Tran (YouTube), Wale Gbadamosi Oyekanmi (Dare.Win) et Tom Rouyres (Facebook)

+ Meeting with Gilles Pélisson, CEO of TF1

 2020 Seminars

Each new class in the Media & Digital Chair attends an integration week in January.

Here's the program for the seminar, which took place from January 6 to 10, 2020:

Consulting for the Entertainment & Tech industries: Muriel Arnoult (Demain conseil), Manel Belarbi (Capgemmini), Raphaëlle Toledano (Fabernovel)

Panoramas - Film industry:  Rosalie Brun (AR SOFICA), Jérôme Chung (Under The Milky Way), Philippe Coen (Disney) et Jonathan Escarpiado (TF1)

Panoramas - Video game industry:  Eric Chauveau (Blizzard Entertainment), Max Chauvin (Ubisoft) et Emmanuel Martin (Syndicat des éditeurs de loisirs)

Panoramas - Radio industry: Philippe Marty (Radio France), JF Trayaud-Latour (Oui FM) et Ophélie Wallaert (Europe 1)

Panoramas - Music industries:  Hervé Cocto (Music Media Consulting), Laurence Le Ny (Orange) et Yann Miossec (KEG)

Focus - new writing: Pierre-Philippe Cormeraie (Bonjour PPC), Manuel Hagoulon et Benoît Wiener (Hyperseries), Claire Hazan (Europe  1 Studio) et Emilien Paron (Ulysse)

Panoramas - Press industries: Marie Dubern (Le Figaro), Cécilia Gabizon (Media Maker) et Stan Motte (Storyzy)

Panoramas - Book industry: Thierry Cavel (Groupe Media participations), Audrey Petit (Le Livre de poche), Juan Pirlot de Corbion (Youscribe) et Marie Trauman (Hachette)

Cross-functional vision - Data: Yseulys Coste (Numberly), Pierre Harand (Fifty-Five) et Aude Marchand (IProspect)

Cross-functional vision - The media audience: Alice Nicolas (Banijay), Anne Vaglio (Lagardere Active) et Frédéric Vaulpré (Glance)

Vision Transverse - Entrepreneurship in the media: Octave Bory & Alex Peron (Setkeeper), JB Diebold (Ginkio), Wale Gdabamosi (, Dorian Perron (Groover) et Guillaume Tesseire (Babelio)

Cross-functional vision - Artificial intelligence: David Chapon (Spoon), Julien Mardas (Buster.AI), Olivier Megean (Demain.AI)

Panoramas - TV industry: Clément Cézard (Molotov.TV), Florent Dumont (France televisions) et Anne-Flore Paita (TF1

Focus - Streaming music : Guillaume Descottes (Vialma), Romain Palmieri (Groover) et Sophie Paulmin (Orange Content)

CSR & Media: Benjamin Bibas (La Fabrique documentaire), Jaleh Bradea (Vivendi Group), Patrice Bonfy (Remixt) et Gilles Vanderpotten (Reporters d'espoir)

The entertainment industry: Jean-Gabriel