Robin Cohen

Interview of Robin Cohen, Project manager in TF1's Strategy Department and alumnus of the Media & Digital Chair (class of 2015-2016) :

I joined TF1's strategy department in June. We carry out strategic analyses for TF1's Executive Committee (particularly as part of the discussions on the merger with M6) and we help operational staff to manage certain projects. Before that, I worked as a strategy consultant to acquire the skills needed to join the strategy department of a media group. I've always had a strong interest in the media, especially music and cinema (I have a strong link with these themes). I wanted to be able to take a step back from these themes as part of my work.

In order to acquire all the necessary skills and quickly join a media strategy department, I joined the strategy consultancy Emerton and worked for 3 years in sectors that have little to do with the media (i.e. Energy, Health, Telecoms, Mobility, Industry etc., mainly in B2B). My assignments included market sizing, new product launches, due diligence, managing complex projects (for a government ministry), etc. At the start of my studies at ESSEC, I also did an excellent internship in music video production (LEFT Productions).

The potential merger of the two TV groups TF1 and M6 is symptomatic of a pivotal period in the audiovisual sector. Traditional media groups are trying to organise their resistance in the face of globalised giants with incomparable financial resources who are accelerating their development in France (on the streaming platform side: Netflix, Amazon Prime and Disney+ and on the advertising side: Google, Facebook). Personally, joining the sector at this critical time and being exposed to these historic issues makes the job and the challenge exciting.

First of all I was very attracted by the theme of the Chair and its programme, i.e. the conferences and seminars in France and abroad, the dissertation topics, etc. The media market can be complicated in terms of career opportunities, especially for strategic positions.

The media market can be complicated in terms of career opportunities, especially for strategic positions. So I knew I had to be patient before I could join a strategic management team in the sector. However, the Media & Digital Chair was the best way of getting there, as it gave me an insight into the logic of the sector and exposed me to many professional opportunities (it was through the Chair that I was able to join TF1's strategy department).


Without a doubt, the chair's trip to San Francisco and Los Angeles. I loved the atmosphere, the people and the quality of the conferences. We spent a day at Dreamworks, where we saw extracts from Trolls before its release. We were also at Universal Music, which really helped us with our dissertation on streaming. It was great in terms of intellectual stimulation and I also made some great friends during the trip.

My chair tutor gave me lots of great career advice, including always forcing yourself to think about the next step, to project yourself. This sets a course and allows you to mature more quickly and be more proactive in shaping your career path. So, we always try to take something away from an experience so that we can use it for the future. You have to ask yourself: where do I see myself in 3 to 5 years' time and how can I get there? What skills can I develop in what I'm doing now?

And you shouldn't be afraid of taking detours, while keeping in mind that you'll end up somewhere in the end. Don't hesitate to contact people on LinkedIn, organise calls and ask questions of professionals in the sector to help you grow and mature your thinking. It makes all the difference at interview and during your experience.

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank the entire chair team (and Judith in particular), as well as the ShareMedia association team, which, as an extension of the chair, has enabled me to take part in dinners with some fascinating speakers (in particular one with Sandrine Treiner, the director of France Culture) and has also given me the opportunity to be mentored.